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Homberg (Ohm)


Homberg (Ohm) - Wonderfully hikeable half-timbered town

The small town with a medieval core, located on a basalt cone, invites you to stroll with its tranquil streets,
lovingly maintained half-timbered houses and many small shops. Homberg is rich in architectural monuments
from several centuries such as the half-timbered town hall, the town church and the old brewery with the striking
defensive tower. The former stately castle, now owned by the city of Homberg, rises high above the town.
The cozy castle café is open on Sunday afternoons. The view from Schlossberg is magnificent.
The basin of the Ohmtal stretches out wide in front of the eye. The striking Amöneburg rises in the middle.
At the foot of Homberg, along the Ohm, are historic mills, some with farms and home-made cider.
Well-maintained hiking trails, including the premium hiking trail “Legendary Schächerbachtal” and the themed
hike “GeoTour Felsenmeer” have already made Homberg famous far beyond the borders of Hesse.
The well-signposted “Castle and Old Town Tour” invites you to explore the historic city center.