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Medieval imperial city Mühlhausen - city of towers

Located between the Harz Mountains and the Thuringian Forest, the former imperial city with its city walls, town
hall, eleven medieval churches and many stone and half-timbered town houses conveys a vivid picture of its great
past. The reformer Thomas Münzer and Johann Sebastian Bach stayed within its walls. Mühlhausen is the city of gates and churches. It was the 59 towers of the churches and the city wall that gave the
place the name "Mulhusia turrita" - the tower-decorated Mühlhausen. In the Middle Ages, Mühlhausen was considered the most important city in Thuringia after Erfurt. The architectural
diversity, indeed the entire city complex with the preserved and accessible city wall, bear witness to the economic
and cultural importance of the former imperial city. During the Peasants' War, Mühlhausen was a rallying point for the insurgents. The reformer Thomas Müntzer
preached in the five-aisled St. Mary's Church. Mühlhausen is also considered a center for Protestant church music.
The three-aisled hall church Divi Blasii was the place of work of Johann Sebastian Bach. The urban renovation of
the last few years has allowed the old town to shine in new splendor.