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The city of Groß-Umstadt is the northeastern entrance gate to the Odenwald. What characterizes this cozy small
town is its Mediterranean flair and wide range of cultural offerings. Groß-Umstadt is made up of the nine districts of Dorndiel, Heubach, Klein-Umstadt, Kleestadt, Raibach, Richen,
Semd, Wiebelsbach and Groß-Umstadt and has around 22,000 residents. Groß-Umstadt has been twinned with the French wine town of Saint-Péray since 1966, with the Portuguese twin
town of Santo Tirso, near Porto, since 1988 and since 2010 also with the Italian wine and culture town of
Dicomano, located northeast of Florence. Thanks to its approximately 1,000 fellow Portuguese citizens, who shape life in the city in a unique way, a
Portuguese cultural center has developed in Groß-Umstadt, which enriches the city not only with the big
St. John's Day festival in the summer. The historic market square with its Renaissance town hall is surrounded by lovingly renovated half-timbered
houses. Also characteristic of the old town of Groß-Umstadt are the numerous manor houses and aristocratic
farms, as well as the small winding streets with the many beautiful backyards. Today's Protestant town church is an important historical building. In the sacristy and in the choir you can still
find remains of the wall paintings from the time it was built. Viticulture has a long tradition in Groß-Umstadt. Documents have documented this for over 1000 years.
Since the city is embedded in around 56 hectares of vineyards, the recreational and leisure value in the
“Odenwälder Weininsel” is correspondingly high. From year to year, the wine festival, which takes place on the
weekend after September 15th, attracts more and more visitors. Many small cafés, ostrich taverns and restaurants offer a varied offering for every taste and every occasion.
Regular cultural events throughout the year, ranging from exhibitions, theater and music events to markets
and traditional highlights, make Groß-Umstadt attractive for visitors of all ages.