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Markgröningen - Shepherd's Run and more

Markgröningen is known far beyond the city limits for its annual shepherd's run. But the city offers much more
than this traditional festival. Picturesque alleys, a wonderfully wide market square and important cultural monuments await you in
Markgröningen. The town on the plateau spur between Glems and Leudelsbach has been able to largely preserve
its medieval townscape with numerous historical and art-historically significant buildings. 15 buildings alone date
from the 15th century. The market square with its town hall built in 1440/41, the “Finstere Gasse” and the Wimpelinhof Museum next
to the Upper Gate Tower are particularly impressive. But the Bartholomew Church with its medieval frescoes
and the hospital with its hospital church also offer their visitors insights into the historical history of the city. Experience the fascination of the city richly decorated with half-timbered houses and let yourself be enchanted
by its charm!